Entries by admin

Initial Response Investigation, Site Assessment and Remedial System Design

We recently completed initial response activities to mitigate threats posed by gasoline product discovered in an off-site utility excavation (approximately 150 feet from the site). Initial abatement efforts included product removal using strategically placed extraction wells at on-site locations and utilization of mobile enhanced multiphase extraction techniques. We have recovered over 475 gallons of free […]

Soil impact from gasoline fuel release

Raceway Store – Montgomery County, Alabama GRK completed remedial activities previously initiated by another consultant. Confirmation sampling was completed a site closure has been obtained. Since site closure GRK has completed abandonment of wells as well as soil vapor extraction system decommissioning.

Preliminary Investigation

Intitial abatement and UST Closure Report completed. Preliminary Investigation report submitted to ADEM. Horizontal and vertical delineation of contaminant plume is complete. Corrective action via HVE scheduled.

Tank Closure Leading to Preliminary Investigation

After removal of three Underground Storage Tanks, a preliminary investigation was completed with a groundwater monitoring event. It was determined that there were no impacts to groundwater, the wells have been abandoned, and the site has been closed.